




Dr. S. R. Tambe

       Welcome to Mahatma Gandhi Vidyamandir’s Samajshri Prashantdada Hiray College of Pharmacy which was established in the year 2006 with the vision "To be a Premier center of Pharmacy Education" Our college is approved by DTE, Maharashtra & PCI, New Delhi, affiliated with Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune. The College of Pharmacy offers Diploma and Degree courses in Pharmacy.

The college has experienced faculty with rich academic and industrial backgrounds. We focus personally on students’ moral uprightness, scientific insight, and social commitment. Life in the college is academically productive and pleasing for Students. The adjoining campus of Agricultural College, Horticultural College, Institute of Music, Drawing College, and Fine Arts and Science Commerce Art College provides added benefits for the exchange and sharing of knowledge resources.

Responsibility for developing sensitivities towards pressing issues, gender equity, environment consciousness, and kinds of activities are organized by the College. Activities also focus on the development of leadership qualities, universal human values, and communication skills.

Holistic development and progression of learners are taken care of by efforts of the College on different platforms.

Through the attainment of suitable accreditations, the College gradually moving towards full autonomy – academic and administrative - in order to enable a vibrant culture of a multidisciplinary approach. College is bound for efforts to meet the skill requirements of the 21st century in consonance with the stated objectives of National Education Policy 2020.

I assure that the college will maintain the tradition of touching new milestones of success in the years to come.

Dr. S. R. Tambe

Principal BOS Member, Pharmaceutical Chemistry Board, SPPU, Pune